Nicole Nowicki, PHP

Preventative Health and Wellness



I Help Premenopausal Women Heal from Chronic Pain & Stress to Feel Empowered & Agile Again

If you’re ready to go from barely surviving through your day to thriving and enjoying your life again, I can help you. Don’t let another day go by struggling to figure out how to reach your health goals and feeling overwhelmed…  Schedule your free call today and discover how you can take your health back NOW!


Have things like low energy, constant fatigue, brain fog, and stress or anxiety been slowly building to the point that you can’t keep up at work or with family? Are you being told that the terrible digestion, weight gain, hair loss, muscle pain, unhealthy skin, exhaustion and overall feelings of just being sick and tired that is controlling your life is simply “part of getting older?” Do you have auto-immune or other common health conditions, like diabetes, that you’ve been told you will “just have to live with?” Are you afraid of living the rest of your life dealing with chronic dysfunction or disease, missing out when you should be spending time with family & friends and enjoying the second half of your life?

I Have Been There, I Know How Overwhelming It Can Feel…

And I’d Love to Show You That a Vibrant, Happy Future is Possible!




Ready To Take Control Of Your Health And Wellness?

My name is Nicole Nowicki and I am a Certified Preventative Health Practitioner.

My journey to disease actually started as far back as I can remember, I just didn’t know it at the time. I was an active child all thru high school playing basketball and soccer year-round, but I had come from a large family with many health issues including stroke, asthma, heart attack, ALS, and Alzheimer’s just to name a few. I believed that I was destined to be heavy and sick along with the possibility of dying at a young age. 

I had my first of four daughters at 21. When I got pregnant with my second daughter two years later, I weighed what I did the day I gave birth to my first one. This is when I really started to become symptomatic. A few years and two more daughters later, my hair was falling out in clumps, I could not stay awake during the day, I could not remember anything, my legs felt heavy walking and doing stairs, brittle nails, skin hurt to touch, acid reflux, the persistent gut issues, you name it.

I would go to the doctor for different issues and each and every time they would simply prescribe a new medication or pawn me off to another specialist. I was told that “my numbers looked good” and was even told to try an antidepressant. I knew this was not the answer and I needed to find out what was really wrong with me. I started to feel like a hypochondriac and eventually just started dealing with everything myself so not to annoy others with complaining. 

I tried every diet out there and I even trained for a marathon. I dabbled with different health fads on and off for 10 years, falling off the wagon and getting back on more times than I can count. I felt what I was eating was super healthy, yet I still could not get rid of the symptoms plaguing me. If I felt like that now, what was I going to feel like in 20 years? Through an over abundance of research and YouTube video rabbit holes, I was spinning in circles and getting more and more confused on who to believe and what was actually true. Eventually, this led me in the direction of Functional Medicine and I really felt I was getting closer to a solution. I eventually found Dr. Duquette and ‘Take Your Health Back Now’. I cannot explain how it happened, but I just knew without a doubt that I had found the missing piece to my puzzle.

Within a month of doing this program, I felt like a new person. I learned that all my weight I was carrying was a symptom of something else that was wrong. It turns out everything I was eating that was in my mind healthy was actually keeping me sick because I was intolerant to it. I could move freely again and didn’t have the urge to stay in bed all day. I wanted to take walks and run up and down the stairs! (Because I could) It was truly life changing for me! I knew right then, that I wanted to help others that were struggling and unable to figure it out themselves. I strive to make someone else’s journey a smoother one because I can help them walk the path and know they are not alone! I want to pay it forward!